What's your name? If not you, enter the name of the primary contact for your business
Enter your primary email address.
Choose a password for your ShingleHanger account.
Accept Terms of Service and agree to the Privacy Policy
When was your business started? Enter the date this business started. If you aren't sure, just leave it as is (today).
What kind of business is this?Pick the option that most closely fits your business type.
What is the name of your business?Enter the name of your business that you want your customers to see ( ex., "My Business Name, Inc." )
Create Your Business Tag LineEnter the slogan or catch phrase that you want identified with your business. This is not required, but it can be useful as you begin to market your business. ( ex., "Our Customers Come First!" )
Where does your business operate?Enter the geographic area that you serve ( ex., "the Baltimore Metro Area" ).
You will receive a free website with ShingleHanger. The identifier you input below will be used to construct your website's URL. For example, if you choose mybusiness as your website identifier, your site URL will be
Choose a unique identifier for your free website. This can be multiple words, but cannot include spaces. e.g., bobteacheskids1997
What's your title? If you are not the primary contact, then enter the title of the primary contact ( ex., Founder )
Enter the mailing address for your business. If you do not advertise your business address, just leave this section blank.
Enter your phone number. If not you, enter the phone number of the primary contact for your business